Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rumi - Cry Out in your Weakness...

Some days, you eat the Bear. Some days, the Bear eats you. Most days, I'm Bear food.  Today, like many days, I wake up in the pain. The emotional pain and the physical pain of being eaten by the bear.

I've read so many stories of over comers. I seek them out. I long for the inspiration that they provide.  Those who have over come their physical limitations, those who have over come the trials of their mental limitations. I'm always happy for each and everyone of those people. I want to grow up and be like those people. It's just that well most of the time for me anyway, I'm eaten more then I eat.

Don't get me wrong.  On some days, and on some levels I too have "over come". But, on most days and on so many levels... I can't get up to eat the bear so I lay there knowing the Bear will eventually eat me. When the Bear bites it hurts. It hurts on the inside and the outside. When I go to the doctor to discuss the Bear and he asked a very rudimentary question like... "Tell me where it hurts?" Which in itself is straight forward and uncomplicated..."Just tell me where it hurts?" I'm speechless. How can I explain to him/her  that by the time I've dragged my body and tricked my mind into getting to their office I'm much to weak to tell him/her much less explain  that all of it, all over it, deep inside of it, outside of it, up on top of it, and underneath all of it... it hurts.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Some years, months, days, hours, minuets and seconds. It's just not fast enough..
